The Spirit of YAH is upon me; because YAH hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of YAH, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of YAH, that he might be glorified. - Isaiah 61

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Separating TRUTH from TRADITIONS

When I originally set up this blog, it was intended to continue with the newsletters I started by mailing out via snail mail. I then decided to reach a larger audience electronically and without having the expense of postage.

My eyes have been opened so much more since I posted my last blog. I had questions and YAH (God) answered in a dynamic way by breaking the chains of traditions of men that gave me so much freedom to serve Him and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.

From what I have witnessed everywhere across the globe, so many people are following the teachings and traditions of men and rarely bother to pick up their Bible to search and study the truths of YAH's Word. I have made numerous attempts to study the Bible with other women and in response, were lack of interest and/or discussing books of the Apocrypha or books written by Christian authors rather than picking up their Bible for reading and discussion. It is sad to witness so many people showing a lack of interest in studying the Word of our Creator and Father in Heaven.

There is truly a famine in the land today -- a famine of YAH's Word!!

We wonder why so  many people are living in turmoil; whether facing financial hardship and/or sickness and disease. YAH's Word is true and very clear that if we turn to idols and no longer worship Him in Spirit and in Truth then we will suffer the consequences of our iniquities.

So many teachings of men contradict the Word of YAH! Sadly, so many people would rather embrace the false teachings of men rather than the truth found in the Scriptures. For that reason alone, YAH will send a strong delusion:

2 Thessalonians 2:11, 12
And for this cause YAH (God) shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 

Not sure if I will be actively posting new blogs or not. However, I have given much thought of sharing the many truths that YAH has been making known to me that separates from the many lies so many have embraced. I hope to share as many as I can to wake up the masses who have been deceived by the enemy and believing a lie.

On a final note to conclude today's blog, I would like to post a few Scriptures and challenge you to make the time from your very busy schedules and put YAH first in your life by learning more about Him and His ways. Know this that YAH's ways are higher than our ways. To think that we can make our Creator of Heaven and Earth to adjust His ways to tolerate our modern culture is sacrilegious!

I hear many well-known Christians use the phrase that "YAH (God) is the same yesterday, today and forever". While that phrase may be very true, however, the phrase is used only to serve their own interests while they will disregard it when it comes to how they choose to live their lives, which is contrary to the Word of YAH.

As believers, we cannot just pick & choose what we want to believe and discard the rest. I call that "a la carte Christianity". YAH called us to follow Him and to separate ourselves from the world and to be a Holy Nation, therefore we are to take in the whole Word and learn to apply it to our daily lives.

A few Scriptures for you to read during your Bible study time:

1. Deuteronomy 28 - So many people fail to understand that if we listen to YAH and follow His commandments, blessings will follow. However, if we choose to not listen and live contrary to His ways, we will then suffer the consequences of our actions by bringing curses upon our own lives.

2. Exodus 20 - People will recognize a few commandments that were written by YAH's own finger on two stone tablets passed onto His people through Moshe (Moses). Yet so many people want to believe that the commandments have been either done away with and nailed to the stake (cross) or written upon our hearts. I have learned in the past few years that YAH is true to His Word. Unlike us, YAH keeps His Word and what He had written in stone was meant to be everlasting, not temporary! And my rebuttal to those who claim the Ten Commandments have been written upon our hearts, then I would have to say then why do people transgress against them then? The only way we can possibly walk in obedience to YAH and follow His Commandments, we must first study and know what they are.

By the renewing of our minds will His Word enter into our hearts and we will then begin to walk in obedience to His ways. When YAH led me to the Ten Commandments, I had a major transformation take place in my life as I began to memorize and study all ten of the commandments given to Moshe on Mt. Sinai. As I began to memorize those commandments, my eyes were opened and I knew it was time to do some housecleaning. I destroyed over 200 DVDs of movies that transgressed against YAH; movies that were using His name in vain, of violence, sexual immorality, and anything that was a transgression of YAH's Word. The only movies I will watch today are those that may contain some of those infractions but used in Christian movies to lead people to YAH and have a story line that gives hope and healing with restoration. There are so many movies out there that desensitizes us from walking in love toward others and is just entertainment with no moral to the story. Yet so many of us have been guilty of sitting hours and hours in front of the television, feeding our minds & souls with entertainment from Hollywood that has no regard to the commandments of YAH.

If we say that we 'know' Him or even 'love' Him than we ought to go out of our way to seek His face daily to nurture our relationship with Him, not when we are only faced with difficulty in our lives. We have been called to enter into a Covenant relationship with YAH, not to just be religious by attending church services when the doors are open and warm the pews and be so active in serving that keeps us too busy to pick up our Bibles and spend time in His Word and in prayer. So many people I have witnessed are very good at 'talking the talk' but rarely have I met others who are truly 'walking the walk'. Too many today are straddling the fence by still embracing the things of this world and their idols and claim to have a relationship with YAH and say that they love Him.

To end my defense for truth and righteousness, I will leave you with these Scriptures to study for yourselves, meditate upon and pray to YAH about:

John 14:15
If ye love me, keep my commandments. 

1John 2:4
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 

May YAH bless you with a love for truth and open your eyes so you may recognize the many lies of the enemy out there today that is hindering so many people from truly worshiping YAH in Spirit and in Truth. 

A healthy balance we ought to be desiring in our relationship with YAH:

= A healthy balance of following YAH and to be led of His Spirit

Proverbs 11:1  A false balance is abomination to the YAH: but a just weight is his delight. 
